My father was a carpenter and I have to admit, he was extremely good at it. I use to help him some afternoons after school and till to this day I have an immense appreciation for any wooden structure or furniture piece. It truly takes skill and a great deal of ability.
This next Hebrew word reminded me of him and this rare skill of his.
‘’YATSAR’’ – This Hebrew word means to form, to shape and design. It is derived from the idea of cutting or framing and reconstructing by fitting parts together. This word especially refers to the potter, as God as the divine potter ever busy molding and shaping us.
‘’YATSAR’’ is used to express God’s ‘planning ’or ‘preordaining’ according to His divine purpose. It refers to the forming of a plan in one’s mind.
Read the following verses and see how ‘’YATSAR’’ fits into the creation process!
Genesis 2:7 Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed (YATSAR) man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (soul).
Gen 2:8 The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed (YATSAR).
I hope this has reminded you that even if it’s hard and it seems at times unbearable, your Divine Potter is forming you into something spectacular according to the plan in His mind.
Our last Hebrew word which pertain only to one significant creation process is ‘’BANAH’’ – the creation of Eve.
‘’BANAH’’ means to build, rebuild or construct
Gen_2:22: (AMP) And the rib or part of his side which the Lord God had taken from the man He built up and made into (BANAH) a woman, and He brought her to the man
Eve is built from Adam’s rib, not created separately. Wow!
Let me recap on all the creation Hebrew words:
ASAH - If you can recall, this means to construct or bring forth from an existing material.
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make (ASAH) man in Our image, according to Our likeness.
BARA - it’s a verb meaning: to create, to form or to carve from nothing or the invisible/unseen. It’s an entirely new production
YATSAR - This Hebrew word means to design. It is derived from the idea reconstructing by fitting parts together. This word especially refers to the potter, as God as the divine potter ever busy molding and shaping us.
BANAH – It refers only to one significant creation process and that is the creation of Eve
Read the previous blog post to see the full description of these Hebrew words.
To me, all of this shows the absolute phenomenal nature of God – He was personally and actively involved in every creation process and still today He is actively involved in your life constructing, building and bringing to life your destiny.
He is worthy to be praised!!