YES! Grace is truly amazing!
Now don’t be fooled by it. Grace is not a mere feeling nor is it an excuse to just do what I want to do. Oh no! Grace embodies so much more. More than we could ever fathom in our lifespan.
Grace is probably one of the most debated subjects of our time. By no means will I be able to explain and elaborate on Grace in this blog. Not only because of page restrictions and your time, but I believe that we still have to fathom, explore and discover the depths of this amazing work of God called ‘Grace’
We are only scratching the surface at this stage and I just know that much mindboggling insight and understanding will still be revealed on this subject. I am currently busy compiling a teaching about Grace but only for the purpose to highlight some vital aspects on this vast subject.
In the meantime, I would like to share in short something about Grace.
Grace is not a candy floss gooey feeling, it is not a doctrine…it is immensely powerful. Grace is God’s disposition. It is His approach and attitude towards us. It is the way He looks at his.
The word ‘disposition’ means – a person’s natural qualities of mind and character; inclination; tendency Therefore…Grace is God’s natural quality of mind and character. This is just the way He is. This is His inclination and natural tendency towards us. This is expressed in the most beautiful ways in the New Covenant – Jesus Christ
How awesome!
I hope this nugget of truth made you realize that Grace is powerful, it is immense and it is God’s natural-can’t-help-himself attitude towards us.
Awesome! Be blessed