As in my previous blog about Grace, I have mentioned that there are both Greek and Hebrew words in the original translation, explaining only a fraction of this tremendous vast word.

The Hebrew word (Old Testament) – Chên:

This is derived from the word graciousness. It embodies the meanings favour, grace, acceptance, kindness and precious.

Gen_6:8 But Noah found grace (favor) (graceH2580) in the eyes of the Lord. (AMP)


This is what the word (graciousness) exemplifies:

  • To be gracious, show favour, pity, to make gracious, make favourable,
  • To be shown favour, be shown consideration
  • To favour, to show kindness to an inferior and “to be compassionate”

Beyond this, however, the word conveys a sense of acceptance or preference in a more general manner as well.

The Greek word (New Testament) – Charis

This word is derived from the Greek word “chairo?”: which means:

  • To be full of “cheer”, that is, calmly happy or well off; to rejoice exceedingly;
    From this we can see that God takes great joy and pleasure in bestowing His Grace and Mercy upon us. It also clearly defines:
  • An undeserved benefit from God
  • A favour done without expectation of return
  • Unearned and unmerited favour

How awesome!! We can clearly see the difference between the Old and the New Testament and how the Cross had ushered in a dispensation of phenomenal Grace. He is truly a giving God…a God that holds nothing back and expect nothing in return.

I pray that you will experience this ‘Charis’ grace in every aspect of your life and that you feel this richness in the depths of your spirit.

Blessings, Deon

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