Grace – Hebrew and Greek
As in my previous blog about Grace, I have mentioned that there are both Greek and Hebrew words in the original translation, explaining only a fraction of this tremendous vast word.
The Hebrew word (Old Testament) – Chên:
This is derived from the word graciousness. It embodies the meanings favour, grace, acceptance, kindness and precious.
Gen_6:8 But Noah found grace (favor) (graceH2580) in the eyes of the Lord. (AMP)
Third Dispensation - God has an attitude Grace
YES! Grace is truly amazing!
Now don’t be fooled by it. Grace is not a mere feeling nor is it an excuse to just do what I want to do. Oh no! Grace embodies so much more. More than we could ever fathom in our lifespan.
Grace is probably one of the most debated subjects of our time. By no means will I be able to explain and elaborate on Grace in this blog. Not only because of page restrictions and your time, but I believe that we still have to fathom, explore and discover the depths of this amazing work of God called ‘Grace’
First Dispensation – Creation Of Heaven & Earth(3)
My father was a carpenter and I have to admit, he was extremely good at it. I use to help him some afternoons after school and till to this day I have an immense appreciation for any wooden structure or furniture piece. It truly takes skill and a great deal of ability.
This next Hebrew word reminded me of him and this rare skill of his.
It is truly a great honour and privilege to join millions of people across the world to pursue this one common goal - to say thank you!
Of course our first and foremost thanksgiving goes to our God and Father for bestowing His great love and grace upon us and in this regard my heart is in total agreement with the following Scriptures
First Dispensation – Creation of Heaven & Earth (2)
In the previous blog post (part 1) I have shared with you the first Hebrew word that describes part of the creation process.
‘’ASAH’’ - If you can recall, this means to construct or bring forth from an existing material.
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make (ASAH) man in Our image, according to Our likeness.
If you have not read the previous blog, do so as you will be thoroughly blessed!!
The second Hebrew word that I want to dissect is ‘’BARA ‘’