Partner With Us
You can partner with God's Word Ministries in the following ways:
- First and foremost, you can pray for us.
Pray for the continued realization of God's blessings within this ministry
- You can partner with us financially.
Your financial contribution will assist us to spread God's Word to more people in an increasingly effective way.
Account name God's Word Ministries Bank & branch First National Bank, Century City, Cape Town, South Africa Branch code 200 909 Current Account no 620 901 89492 Swift code FIRNZAJJ or through PAYPAL
- Please tell your friends and family about this ministry and direct them to our website and more specifically to the Teachings under “Library”
We also want to thank all the people that have contributed to this ministry in one way or another. Your support has made it possible for us to continue!
Thank you for your financial support, which enables us to continue with this ministry.
Our prayer is that God will reward you richly by giving a body to your seed according to:
May God bless you abundantly
Pastor Deon Gerber